Friday, March 25, 2011

Going, going, gone!

Whew made it through vacation without a single cheat!

This is far too important for me. Though my mother's cooking is amazing and the smells of the kitchen (and the Breadboard) tempted me, I remembered why I'm doing this, what I want from it and know that I need a forever change. The last day of my vacation in Wyoming, my mother told me she was proud that I stuck with it. That means more than any delicious food.

Nine days since my last weigh in and I'm down 5.85 pounds! Nearly six pounds in 9 days! That's a total of 23.25 pounds and over 21.5 total inches in four weeks. AMAZING!

I'm certainly starting to feel it in my clothes. Where I once needed an extension for my bra, I now am at the last hook and need a new bra altogether. Just in my torso I've lost 4 inches, 5.4 in my waist. I'm holding off on purchasing anything new because this is just the beginning.

I was that girl that would go through the drive thru and order food for my son and I and pretend like I was ordering another meal for someone else then eat it too. I could eat 3/4 of a large pizza, a box of Krispy Kremes, it was never ending. I was eating like a linebacker though I'd never played football in my life! NOW - I sleep better, feel overall better, work out in the morning before work and then at lunch I'll either walk two miles or go to the gym and workout more intensely. I love feeling healthier. I truly loved feeling comfortable in the seat on the airplane and as mentioned last week, in the pew at church. There's not a price you can put on feeling great.

I'm 1/4 to my goal, yes sports fans, I plan to lose 100 POUNDS! My hope is to have this accomplished by mid-September! I want to run 5 and 10K's (to start). I want to be cut and super fit, I want to keep this as my permanent lifestyle and inspire others, even if just my family, to live a healthy life. There is nothing better than when your child hugs you and tells you he can now touch his fingers - then weeks later he can touch his palms together around you. He's the best measuring tape ever!

Next week will be an early weigh in. My coach, who has also been on the IP program, will be completing the Hilo Olympic-length Triathlon! I'm inspired by her and plan to compete with her in an open water swim later this fall in Seattle. Who knows, I might make an Alcatraz comeback!

Come see less of me on Wednesday! Thank you for being a part of this journey. XOXOX

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