Friday, March 11, 2011

Going DOWN

The scale is and I LOVE it! Last night was my weigh in and measurements and I'm happy to report I've lost another 3.6 pounds and a 1/2 an inch EVERYWHERE. Who wouldn't be happy. I know it's a far cry from my first 10.8 pounds but I'm also educated enough to know I was shedding excess crap and shocking my system, therefore I fully expected week one to be a higher loss.

So far the Ideal Protein food is just fine. People at work laugh at my astronaut packets of spaghetti or chili, but are then surprised to see that it looks and smells (and from my perspecive), tastes just like regular food. Week three (starting today) I was able to create my own food list from their packets so no longer do I have to suffer through the oatmeal that looks like wall paste or the "crispy" cereal that comes with it's own powdered milk! Those two really were the only bad items on my lengthy menu. I'm thrilled to be able to eat a great dinner with my family, steak, chicken, fish, pork and vegetables (excluding corn and carrots of course.)

I'm full of energy and overall happier than before, so it's a WIN WIN to be THIN!

Next week I weigh in early (Tuesday)since I'll be traveling home to Wyoming for a visit - it'll be fun to see people who I've not for sometime and hope they can see the difference I feel!

I love shrinking - I'll need to buy a belt though because it's not time for new clothes, I'll go poor lol!

Come see less of me next week!

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