Friday, April 15, 2011

Some Things Shouldn't Be Retained!

Fourteen long days since my last weigh in. I was hoping for a big number, at least a seven or an eight - I was sick the last three days thus I didn't hit the gym at all but still, I felt lighter, I was looking thinner - I step on the scale...drum roll...2.6 - are you serious! I started feeling like a contestant on The Biggest Loser - I was waiting for Allie to say "Joleen how are you feeling?" Really 2.6 in two weeks is stupid wrong - I was angry. Sure it's a loss but it's crap.

After looking at my journal, I'd had two turkey burgers (different nights) and kale chips at least 7 of the 14 days - SALT - though I'd not realized there's a ton of salt in turkey burgers, I knew the kale chips were salty. Also in my last three days while sick, my water intake was much lower - I just had no desire to eat or drink anything - I felt like poo. So RETENTION was my enemy.

Educated and driven still with anger - I'm rearranging my eating to not include either except for possibly as a rare treat. I am back on my 110 ounce of water a day and working my butt off in the gym 5-6 days a week - I'm focused on the 21st of April now - that number will be better - even if it's 2.6 in 7 days, still kicks the pants off of 2.6 in 14 days.

So onward and upward, this is a life change and I'll be learning as I go.

My clothes are still getting looser, I can comfortably cross my legs - if you're overweight you'll totally get that pinnacle! Heels that haven't fit, do now, it's still very exciting.

I am happy to report that even with that little of a weight loss, I'm now under my pre-pregnancy weight! Remember my son is now EIGHT years old! I still have a ways to go but so far it's been a blast.

See less of you on April 21! Hugs.

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