Thursday, January 6, 2011

Look Right Through Me

Merriam-Webster defines IGNORE as: Refuse to take notice of or acknowledge; disregard intentionally; Fail to consider, and I wonder, at what time should you ignore the people around you. Not get all up in their business, but ignore them when it comes to opening a door, saying hello, any common gesture of humanity. Why is it that overweight people are treated like second class citizens? Maybe they made or make bad life choices, maybe or maybe they didn't - do you know? Why is it that an attractive person gets attention? Did they make good life choices?

I'm often fascinated when I think of how I was treated as a young adult compared to how I'm treated now. I'm the same person, hell, I'm a better person, I just am not as tall, fit and trim as I once was. Why do I get treated different? Why do you look right through me now when a few years ago you'd fall all over yourself for me.

Why is it okay in society to behave this way?

Now the beauty is those who know me - know me, respect me and don't look away, look through, walk away...IGNORE.

Why do I care...I don't really - I'm just fascinated - just making an observation. I think we should look at how we treat those around us, fat, skinny, black, white, purple, homeless, disabled - everyone. We shouldn't judge people before getting to know them. We shouldn't ignore people because they are different or don't fit in a specific box of perfection, in a bubble of "what's right." Otherwise limiting ourselves from meeting truly amazing people.

The next time you encounter someone "different" and you want to walk away, look through...IGNORE - ask yourself "who am I?"

Let's treat people like people - let's bring back the golden rule.

All the best.

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