Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Meaning of a Pencil

Rarely does someone (unrelated) touch our life in a way that you feel such a void and misdirection.

Last Sunday, we lost a great, great man. Stubborn in his way, strong as an ox, smart and crafty. A man who was familiar with family, familiar with what it meant to be a man, husband, father, and friend.

Gerald H. Fehring left to work on the house of the Lord, Sunday, December 19, 2010. He has left a legacy in three amazing children. Shane, a master craftsman like his father, Cameron and Amara, talented, successful thespians, students of life and love. And Kris, his wife, mother of Cameron and Amara, step-mom to Shane, his partner and sole mate. Their passion for skiing, laughter, family and friends were deeply rooted.

As I reflect on my memories of Jerry, one stands out most of all - the pencil. There was not a day I recall Jerry not having a yellow pencil behind his right ear. At his second wedding, the male half of the party surprise Jerry with the signature look as they walked down the isle.

I ponder the meaning of that pencil and realize, it's much more than the carpenter and his craft. It's about being prepared. It's about dedication and committment. It's about structure and foundations. The pencil, always sharp, as was Jerry. Ready to help, as was he. Jerry was a vet and a fireman, a carpenter, actor and ready volunteer. A guy you could count on for his tall stature, curly - graying hair and a laugh that would shake the room. He was taken too soon.

During this time of great loss, it will be a different kind of December for the Fehring family and I pray they feel the love around them. The strength from their extended fabric and know that Jerry was needed for a greater job. Let his family not feel fear, pain, loss, or abandonment, let them feel pride for the man they shared life and love with. Let them feel pride for the countless people Jerry and his family touched and continue to touch. Let us surround them.

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid."
John 14:27

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