Wednesday, August 10, 2011

You Must Eat To Lose

You've heard them all...An Apple a Day, Muscle Weighs More Than Fat, You Must Eat to Lose. There is substance in each of these statements, but Everything in Moderation!

I've lost a lot of weight in the last 5 months, I'm more than 1/2 way to my goal but now I've been faced with another hurdle, another obstacle that just might be harder to overcome than the initial issue. I'll do it because going back is NOT an option, but wrapping my head around it will be a battle.

Yesterday's weigh in, I'd gained 0.8 of a pound in two weeks. I know big deal right. The weigh in before that covered the previous week, and I'd only lost 0.2 pounds. Though these aren't crazy numbers on either end, they are enough, given the Ideal Protein structure, to make myself and my coach step back and look at what was going on. After going through my food journal and discussing what a "normal" week looked like for me, my coach was astounded to learn that I workout on average 8 times in a 5 day work week, 1 hour at a time. Add to that a two mile weekend hike and BOOM, we found the problem. I'm working out far too much for my strict caloric intake managed by the program. I was putting my body into famine.

I love my workouts, love, love my gym time, the endorphins, the sweat, the loud, angry music but I now need to slow it down (not the music). I've been placed on a four week restriction of working out. I'm still able to do core, walking, hiking and playing with my son but the days of dead lifts, squats, hip sleds, bench press etc. are on hold (insert sad face here).

This will be a difficult four weeks but I understand what we're trying to achieve and where I need to be to get there. I am very happy with my accomplishments so far and know I'm only going to get better, stronger, healthier and hotter (lol) but understanding the machine, understanding the physiology of exercise and nutrition is paramount.

I've got this - come along won't you?

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