Monday, May 31, 2010

It's Not Just One Day...

Annually Americans schedule barbeque's, camping trips, vacations, kids are out of school and for most it's an extra day off work but why...rarely do we stop and think why we're given this "holiday."

Let's take a moment and remember why we're given the opportunity to enjoy these graces. Why are our streets lined with flags? Educate our children of why they have a day off from school. Shake the hand of a soldier. Embrace and be thankful of your freedoms.

MEMORIAL DAY -beginning in 1868, a United States Federal holiday, celebrated the last Monday in May. Formally known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. soldiers who died while in the military service.

As we stand here looking
At the flags upon these graves
Know these flags represent
A few of the true American brave

They fought for their Country
As man has through all of time
Except that these soldiers lying here
Fought for your country and mine

As we all are gathered here
To pay them our respect
Let's pass this word to others
It's what they would expect

I'm sure that they would do it
If it were me or you
To show we did not die in vein
But for the red, white and blue.

Let's pass on to our children
And to those who never knew
What these soldiers died for
It's the least we can do

Let's not forget their families
Great pain they had to bear
Losing a son, father or husband
They need to know we still care

No matter which war was fought
On the day that they died
I stand here looking at these flags
Filled with American pride.

So as the bugler plays out Taps
With its sweet and eerie sound
Pray for these soldiers lying here
In this sacred, hallowed ground.

Take home with you a sense of pride
You were here Memorial Day.
Celebrating the way Americans should
On this solemnest of days.

Be sure as your enjoying your camping trip, BBQ's or a simple day off that you remember why, educate our youth and thank a soldier - more importantly don't wait until May to do just that - remember daily why you're free, the amount of courage each and every soldier, and their families face to train to save and protect our freedoms that we've come accustom to taking advantage of.

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