Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanks FOR giving.

This Thanksgiving I sit back and look at all I have, all I've accomplished and all I hope to in the future. The world is an ever changing, sometimes scary, but always amazing orb. Blessed are we to be free to choose our path.

I've recently had the opportunity to be off work due to a lay off; to be in a position where I learned, due to erroneous information I'd received, that I'd only have one paycheck from November 12th through December 23rd. This would be under $2K with almost $4K in total bills during that time. I found myself applying for unemployment, food stamps and standing in the food bank line. I sold personal belongings, looked and looked for work. Looked at every financial option I may have. I was ever so humbled.

A week ago I stood in the food bank line wondering how people did this every week, how do they make it through, I cried. I'd never thought I'd be in this position - poor planning, poor circumstances have put me here and it's up to me to do whatever it takes to overcome. I also promised myself to be sure to donate food to the local bank as much as I possibly could.

This Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for a happy, healthy family. For friends who appreciate me and make me laugh. I believe we're all an extension of each other. I'm thankful for traditions and creating new ones. I'm thankful for the Lord God in my life, for his ever present love and comfort that things will be just fine, maybe not how I planned, but FINE. I'm thankful to live in a free country where I can choose MY destiny and not leave it to someone else. I'm thankful for great parents who show me daily, love, dedication, hard work and selflessness. I'm thankful for a man who loves me and a son who shows me what love is. Find your thanks in all you do, all you have and all you're able to obtain whether it's tangible or not.

Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting. - Author Unknown

In this season of being thankful let's make sure to not only pay it forward but to be thankful daily, not just during a holiday of over indulging on turkey and stuffing but truly daily for what you have and what you do not have, for what you can offer and become. THANK YOU.

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