Thursday, May 26, 2011

Drop It Like It's Hot!

Can I tell you how much I LOVE the Ideal Protein program? This truly has been a blessing in my life. Chasing my Thursdays every week for my weigh in’s and measurements - to hear I've lost 2.5 pounds and 3 inches in 5 days - CRAZY. To fit in cuter close - to work toward "regular" sizes. I'm not sure why plus sized clothing must look like a table cloth but instead of continuing to fight the industry, I'll fight what got me there because I AM WORTH IT.

I'm on my way people; the road is ahead of me and will be marched down, Thursday after Thursday.

I'm excited for my future. I got engaged to my best friend Saturday and I'm excited to live this life, walk this journey with him and our kids - to experience everything, the things I wanted to do but couldn't because I was too big, too ashamed, to conscious - now watch out! I want to inspire people that they can, because they are worth it. God doesn't make mistakes. Every day is a blessing and I'm so ready!

You'll see the success not just from my words and the excitement found in them but from my chart shown here - you'll see where I was doing it on my own and when I started with IP on 2/24 how it's just gone DOWN, DOWN, DOWN!

Be blessed people - do you (no one can do it better). Have ZERO regrets!
Can I tell you how much I LOVE the Ideal Protein program. This truly has been a blessing in my life. Chasing my Thursdays every week for my weigh ins and measurements - to hear I've lost 2.5 pounds and 3 inches in 5 days - CRAZY. To fit in cuter close - to work toward "regular" sizes. I'm not sure why plus sized clothing must look like a table cloth but instead of continuing to fight the industry, I'll fight what got me there beause I AM WORTH IT.

I'm on my way people, the road is ahead of me and will be marched down, Thursday after Thursday.

I'm excited for my future. I got engaged to my best friend Saturday and I'm excited to live this life, walk this journey with him and our kids - to experience everything, the things I wanted to do but couldn't because I was too big, too ashamed, to conscious - now watch out! I want to inspire people that they can, because they are worth it. God doesn't make mistakes. Every day is a blessing and I'm so ready!

You'll see the success not just from my words and the excitement found in them but from my chart shown here - you'll see where I was doing it on my own and when I started with IP on 2/24 how it's just gone DOWN, DOWN, DOWN!

Be blessed people - do you (no one can do it better). Have ZERO regrets!

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