Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's Like Riding a Bike!

We've all heard the saying "It's just like riding a bike." I believe being or coming back to being healthy is the same - we all have the tools; the majority of us have been healthy at some point in our life so we know how to get back there. Get back on the bike!

I'm back in the saddle - well after this weekend that is. I knew in the beginning this weight loss journey wouldn't be without it's ups and downs or more downs than ups but in the end, I'll be happy I stuck with it.

I meant back in saddle quite literally. I've started a new job at the University of Washington; it's a huge campus, lots of places to walk, run, and ride. I've challenged myself to ride in the next six months at least some of it. My ultimate goal is to bike to work at least a couple times a week to from home. I'm blessed to live in an area that is SO bike friendly. Just a few miles from my home, is the Burke Gilman Trail, I could jump on it and ride it straight to the University. It's roughly 10 miles...I think!

I was discussing this master plan with my boyfriend, who in the sweetest way semi-ignored my text of "don't you think I could do it - at least one day a week? How long do you think it would take." It's not that he doesn't believe I can do it, rather he's afraid I'm not sure what an initial undertaking it would be. Okay fine, I'll start closer - work up to the full 10 miler! I mean I'm not trying to do the Seattle to Portland ride...EVER. I truly believe riding my bike (which I don't currently own) will certainly jump start and hopefully keep me on the weight loss track.

In addition to my scheme of becoming a true Seattle bike commuter, of sorts, I've vowed to enroll us (love how I throw my boyfriend under the bus with me) in at least one 5K a month starting in mid-February. Hey, we need time to train. We both have goals of weight loss for various reasons, wedding, health, semi-pro football, just down right looking good; but more than anything it just really needs to happen for us. Put aside all the fun, fancy reasons, I have a heart condition, he has apnea. Plain and simple we need to lose weight.

So I challenge you to get off the couch too - try something you've wanted to but didn't think you could (no not a new flavor of Ben and Jerry's) do something to regain your health, we all have habits that could use some cleansing.

If you're out on the trails even just for a walk and you see me dying on a bike or out for a run, pray for me....errr I mean pass me a thumbs up because I plan, eventually to look good doing it.

Happy pavement pounding.

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